LifeClass the movie

Corporal Brown - Tanmaya

BA Drama at Flinders University, made a couple of short films and acted in innumerable theatre productions, then took to the road as an itinerant wanderer for twenty plus years.

During this time lived in spiritual communities; studied Zen, Sufism and Comparative religions. Immersed in the Human Potential movement of the Seventies- Primal, Gestalt, Encounter, Tantra et al.

Worked as a barman, waiter, flower designer for Manhattan offices, landscape gardener, body guard, pizza chef, actor.

Lived in a remote Himalayan Valley and discovered the healing power of flowers, made a range of flower essences and for twenty years has been producing them and speaking at International Conferences and fascilitating workshops world wide.

Studied and fascilitates Family Constellation work.

Worked and studied with Penelope Chater in Character Creation, a work based on and developed through the works of Yat Malmgren and Rudolph Laban.

Happily lives and gardens in his little bit of paradise and works with the Turning Circle Theatre group on the far sth coast, from time to time.
